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Tarptautinė stažuočių programa „Patirties partneriai”: studentų įspūdžiai iš Danijos, Ispanijos ir Italijos

Svarbiausios | 2015-04-09

Ar svajoji apie tarptautinę stažuotę? Praktikos vietą realioje organizacijoje užsienyje? Vis dar abejoji?

Kviečiame susipažinti su tarptautinės stažuočių programos „Patirties partneriai” dalyvių atsiliepimais, istorijomis ir patirtimis:

Savo įspūdžiais dalijasi Kauno technologijos universiteto (KTU) Elektros ir elektronikos studentas Vaidas Batutis, praktiką atlikęs Danijoje, KTU Socialinių, humanitarinių mokslų ir menų fakulteto studentė Dovilė Žemaitytė, praktiką atlikusi Ispanijoje, ir Matematikos ir gamtos mokslų fakulteto studentė Ieva Dirdaitė, praktiką atlikusi Italijoje.

Iniciatyva „Patirties partneriai“ sudaro galimybes pagrindinių Lietuvos universitetų studentams atlikti praktiką daugiau nei 100 tarptautinių partnerių tinkle, tarp jų ir tarpvyriausybinėse organizacijose (UNWTO, UNICRI, IOM, OTIF, UNIDROIT, UNSSC, UNHCR, NATO, OSCE). Lietuvos studentus praktikai pasiruošę priimti ir tokios garsios įmonės kaip „Microsoft“, ERGO, „Ernst&Young“, „Rothschild bank“, „Česká spořitelna“, „Novo Nordisk“.

Ieva Dirdaitė: Noriu gyvenime pasiekti kuo daugiau













Vaidas Batutis: My internship in the UN City

Hello, my name is Vaidas Batutis. I started my internship during the last semester of my Bachelor studies of Telecommunications at KTU.

My internship took place in Denmark, Copenhagen. I was working with the ICT team of the WHO regional office for Europe. I think the intergovernmental organisation is the best place to work temporarily because you can meet professionals from all over the world working together!

UN building is open 24/7 thus it is very convenient for people willing to work longer hours  or spending some time working on private issues. What I liked the most during my internship was the orientation on the results (quoting my colleague  “We are working here not for the amount of hours; we are working here to do the job”).

I learned a lot just in a few months: about the specifics of intergovernmental organisations, preparation of policy documents, organisation’s dependency on quality services provision and many other things.

Dovilė Žemaitytė: My graduate internship at Reposteria Valverde in Spain

Hello everyone…

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things” it is a perfect quote to describe my internship in Spain. New experience, different look into this wonderful country and it’s people, or even self awareness – these are the main things that I’ve got from my internship.

I was working in a traditional Spanish family owned company, where I could adapt my accounting, marketing knowledge. Though it was a small company, but I was friendly accepted. Each day let me to get better understanding about business world, as well as compare different experiences of working in Lithuania and Spain. And I should said, that it was quite a challenge, because Spanish siesta does exist.

And of course wonderful SPAIN. Such a beautiful country with fantastic cuisine. I had oppurtunity to visit other cities, to see mountains and just to enjoy Spanish landscape. Now I can say that I fell in love with this country.

Program “Partners4Value“ enabled me to explore new culture, meet new friends and improve my skills. It was a wonderful life school, and I am grateful for being a part of it.

I recommend everybody to use international experience opportunity with the Erasmus+ .

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